What is Paragraph 80?
You’ve probably heard ‘paragraph 80’ (or formerly Paragraph 79 & 55) mentioned on Grand Designs and wondered what this actually means.
Paragraph 80 / Para 80 is part of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and sets out the circumstances in which isolated homes can be permitted in the countryside. Isolated homes in the countryside would generally fall under section e) which requires that proposals:
a) Are Of Exceptional Design Quality
b) Are Truly Outstanding
c) Reflect the Highest Standards in Architecture
d) Help to Raise Standards of design more generally in rural areas
e) Would enhance its immediate setting, and
f) Be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area.​
Some of the above is difficult to define and is subjective. It requires a rigorous and creative approach from the Architect and Design Team, including the careful consideration of site context, landscape and ecology, (to name but a few) in order to create a truly exceptional piece of design which is firmly rooted in its setting. As such, the proposals typically need to be supported by an experienced team of consultants including planning, landscape, ecology and potentially more, depending on the specific circumstances.
Whilst this isn’t for the faint hearted, the potential reward is a truly unique and exceptional home, in an area of outstanding natural beauty.
If you are considering such a project, please do get in touch.